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Working with Pei-I:
Investing in your family for a lifetime change

You have worked so hard to have everything you want in life. Your success fills you with pride. You are well respected by your colleagues in the outside world YET when you get home, your teenager speaks to you like you are nobody, swears at you, lies to you, shuts themselves in their bedroom and cuts off all the communication with you.

You send your teenager to private school so that your teenager can have the success you want them to have, just like you BUT your teenager throws it all back in your face, refusing to go to school, skipping classes, misbehaving in school that leads to suspension.

You spent so much money on your teenager so they can have the best opportunity to grow, BUT they are not interested and feel so demotivated. They use weed to self medicate and you watch your teenager throwing their lives away AND there's nothing you do is helping.


It's very likely that you are stuck in the Disconnected Family Cycle


You are always arguging with your teenagers and/or family members becasue you don't know how to manage your teenager's behaviour, including school refusal, verbal abuse, physical aggression/violence, troubled behaviour in school, traunting, sneaking out the house, not adhering to your curfew, self harming, anti-social behaviour, experiementing drug and alcohol..etc.

You struggle to sleep at least 1-2 times a week because you are constantly feeling stressed about your family ( when is the next argument, is she/he still cutting herself, how am I going to get my teen to school? When is the police or school going to call again…etc)

● You are shouting at your teenage children often because this is the only way you can communicate and feel heard in your family

● You are feeling lost about your teenager because no matter what you have tried, nothing is working

● You are emotionally drained because there are arguments at home everyday and you don’t know why and how to change it

● Your marriage/relationship is perhaps strained because you can’t agree on what to do because you are blaming each other for the challenges you are facing at home

● Perhaps you are thinking “It’s my teenager’s fault” - secretly blaming your teenagers and your teenagers also blame you too

● Perhaps you are thinking “I can’t do this anymore and is this all my life is about?”

If one or more than 2 things I just mentioned really resonate with you, you might be stuck in the Disconnected Family Cycle.

Don’t worry it is not your fault, this problem affects a lot of beautiful families.

I have developed a Proven Heal Family First - TTP Method that can help your family heal first because it’s the fastest way to get unstuck from the disconnected family cycle. My family first approach focuses on the strengths and your whole family.

When you heal your family, each person will heal as part of that, your teenager will heal, and guess what you as a parent will be healed and your relationship too.

Change starts from healing your home first.

Here are the 4 ways you can work with me. 

Heal Family First Method


Learn the Heal Family First Method to start seeing things shfiting and changing in the positive direction in your home and in your teenager's troubled behaviour with certainty. 

1:1 Heal Family First Session


Target the teenager troubled behaviour head on with immediate results to help your family heal. This is the hour that can start changing your family life for the better. 

Heal Family First Method 5 Day Taster


This will be the most important 5 days of your family life if you are ready to make the first step to Stop Teenager Troubled behaviour for good without years of therapy. 

Heal Family First Method: Restoring Harmony in 90 days 

If you have tried everything and nothing has worked, this is for you. Our signature bespoke programme helps your family achieve exceptional positive change at home in the shortest time possible, using TTP Method

WHAT Families SAY

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