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Therapeutic Coaching Service For Parents and Families:
Investing in your family for a lifetime change

Therapeutic Coaching

For Parents: 

Therapeutic parenting coaching is a specialised form of parenting skills coaching that incorporates therapeutic principles to help parents develop effective strategies for interacting with and supporting their struggling teenage children. It provides the immediate, practical solutions you need to address your teen's troubled behaviour.

For Family:

Therapeutic family coaching use the same principles in therapeutic parenting coaching. The only difference is that family members are invited to be part of the process at different stage of the work. The aim is to explore the challenges and find resolutions together as a family. Pei-I will also provide the family with effective practical steps all family members can take to achieve positive results at home. 


How Does Pei-I Work?

Pei-I is an integrative Family and Systemic Psychotherapist, focusing on parenting and improving family relationships. She works therapeutically in a structured way towards achieving your family goals. When working together, She will create a clear roadmap for your family, track and evaluate your family's progress. This will help celebrate the improvement you made at home, and identify areas where we can continue to grow.

Pei-I will teach you the Heal Family First Method - TTP where you can start implement strategies immediately to see positive changes in your family's dynamics and in your teen's behaviour. 

How would you know that this is going to work for you and your family? 

Sadly, a lot of families try all the possible approaches and intervention they can access with no success in changing their teenager's troubled behaviour or family dynamics. The underlying issue often lies in a lack of understanding of the complex family dynamics, systemic influences, systems around them and the need for a whole family approach to address the root causes of the problems that lie 7 layers deep. 

Focusing solely on the individual teenager's behaviour, and relying on one-size-fits-all interventions like individual therapy or parenting programmes without appropriate assessment can often exacerbate family tensions and make the behaviour at home seems worse.  

Parenting/Family coaching + Therapeutic principles + Heal Family First Method: TTP = transform troubled teenager behaviour and bring harmony back in the shortest time possible.

Altogether, this method ​offer families a deep understanding of the complex factors that influence challenges at home, and allow us to work together to identify underlying issues, develop tailored strategies, and provide comprehensive support.

By choosing therapeutic parenting coaching, you can expect:

  • Improved behaviour in your teenager

  • Increased understanding of your teen's behaviour and needs so that you can support them to be motivated and have the drive you possess to achieve success in their lives. 

  • Improved communication and problem-solving skills as a family

  • Enhanced emotional well-being for the family 

  • Strengthened family relationships

  • Long-lasting positive changes in your family's dynamics and MUCH MORE

If you're ready to invest in your family's future, there are a few ways you can work with Pei-I. 

Parenting Library


 Explore our curated selection of masterclasses and online programmes designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to help you stop troubled teenager behaviour

Grow With Your Teenager



Our expert led membership guides you through Proven Method to Help Transform Troubled Teenager Behaviour Without Years of Therapy 

Finding Harmony 12 week Group Parenting Coaching Programme

This Group Coaching Programme to support parents who are struggling with their teenagers' troubled behaviour and desire to make positive change and learn how to support their teenagers with success and impact in a group setting.

Heal Family First Method for parents and families: Restoring Harmony in 90 days 

If you have tried everything and nothing has worked, this is for you. Our signature bespoke programme helps your family achieve exceptional positive change at home in the shortest time possible, using TTP Method

WHAT Families SAY

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We faced  so many behavioural and relationship challenges as a family. Sometimes it felt that there were no way out, and we wanted to give up, but Pei-I had shown us how our family can work as a team, and now as parents we have better relationship with each other and as a family. We can see how this affect our  teenage children positively too. 


WHAT Families SAY

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