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How to deal with teenage aggression

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Parenting a teen who struggles with aggression can feel like navigating through a storm. The tempest of emotions, outbursts, and tension can be overwhelming for both the teen and the family. However, there's hope, and by employing effective strategies, you can help your aggressive teen stay grounded and navigate the challenges more smoothly. In this blog, we'll explore practical approaches to understand, connect with, and support your teen in managing their emotions, preventing them from flying off the handle.

  1. Identify Triggers ( green, amber, red system) Work collaboratively to identify triggers that lead to teenage aggressive behavior. Understanding the underlying causes allows you to address the root issues rather than just managing the surface manifestations of aggression.

  2. Teach Emotional Regulation: Help your teen develop emotional regulation skills. Teach them techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or counting to ten when emotions escalate. These tools empower them to regain control over their reactions.

  3. Establish Clear Boundaries and encourage responsibilities: Clearly communicate and enforce appropriate boundaries and consequences. Consistent boundaries provide a sense of structure and security for your teen, helping them understand acceptable behavior.

  4. Model Calmness: As a parent, modeling calm and composed behaviour is crucial. Your reactions set an example for your teen on how to handle stress and challenges. Show empathy.

  5. Problem solve : Teach your teen how to problem solve with the challenges they are facing and how they can do things differently next time.

Parenting an aggressive teen is undoubtedly challenging, but with patience, understanding, and strategic interventions, you can help them navigate the storm of emotions and prevent them from flying off the handle. Remember, your consistent support and commitment to their well-being can make a profound impact on their journey toward emotional regulation and healthier interactions.


Pei-I, Parenting and Teen challenging behaviour specialist @ Rainbow Parenting Practice

P.S. I empower high-achieving mums to help their troubled teens who get stuck in patterns of challenging behaviour with ease, success and have a harmonious family life in 90 days using TTP Method. The quickest, most effective and most impactful method to strengthen your family connections and change your family story.

If you are struggling to manage your teen's aggressive behaviour, I'd recommend that you book a Raising Thriving Teens 5 Day Mini Tastes as the 1st step. Book here

Until then,


🌈There’s always hope, endless hope



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