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Heal Family First Method

You have worked so hard to have everything you want in life, your success fills you with pride. You are well respected by your colleagues in the outside world YET when you get home, your teenager speaks to you like you are nobody, swears at you, lies to you, shuts themselves in their bedroom and cuts off all communication with you.


Perhaps you have invested so much time, money and energy into your kids, 


Perhaps you send your teenager to private school so that your teenager can have the success you want them to have, just like you BUT your teenager throws it all back in your face, refusing to go to school, skipping classes, misbehaving in school that leads to suspension.


You spent so much money on your teenager so they can have the best opportunity to grow, BUT they are not interested and feel so demotivated. Perhaps they are constantly playing games, on social media and screens, and seem to completely lack the drive that you have. 


Perhaps they even use weed or alcohol to self medicate and you watch your teenager throwing their lives away AND there's nothing you do is helping.


Your teenager continues to 


  • abuse you verbally, swear at you and tell you that you are the worst parent in the world. 

  • trash the house, throwing and break things in the house. 

  • refuse to go to school, stay in school and behave appropriately in school

  • sneak out of the house in the middle of the night and not stick to your curfew

  • experiment with drug and alcohol 

  • cause troubles in the community 

  • isolate themselves in the room and feel demotivated about their life 

  • self-harm  

  • treat you like you don’t matter 


There are reasons why this behavior is happening and why nothing that you have tried in the past has worked. 


My name is Pei-I, and I am a Systemic and Family Psychotherapist, and Parenting and Teen Behaviour specialist with 30 years of experience working with family issues and teenager problems. I have helped hundreds of families to restore harmony at home and get their teenage children to thrive again. I have dealt with everything from siblings not getting along, demotivation to most extreme cases of teen violence, school refusal, absconding, substance misuse, mental health challenges, online exploitation, anti-social behaviour, neglect/abuse, and trauma...etc. 


I will show you how to rectify these problems with immediate impact at home. 


This is the work I do in my 90 day incentives. This is why as little as one session with me,  my family clients experience incredible positive change at home immediately, like having better relationships at home with their partner or/and teenagers, effective management of behaviour, having dinner together, no kicking back from their teenage children when spending time together, knowing how to put boundaries in place with compliance from teenagers. 


This is also the method I am teaching inside “Heal Family First Method” - mini workshop".  For the very first time, I am teaching this outside of my 90 day signature programme. This block I will be focusing on "school refusal" and how you can take specific actions to help your teenagers attend school. 

We begin 24th September, 2024. 

1PM GMT on 24th September - Day 1  - By the end of day, you will learn about your unique family blueprint and family script that influences your family and your parenting, and what are the things to look out for so that you can make empowered parenting decisions, and not to feel triggered, or frustrated when things are getting tough at home. 

1PM GMT on 25th September - Day 2 Your Family Behavioural Map - by the end of day, you will know about the causes that drive your teenager’s not wanting to go to school so that you can develop strategies to address their troubled behavior. 

1PM GMT 27th September - VIP - Day 3 is for VIP only. This is when I guide and complete your teen's school refsual Map with you and develop customed strategies to help you manage the challenges when get your teen to school.  You will be given a 45 minute slot to join the call - just you and me, to get custom one to one support. Private and Confidential.

WHAT Families SAY

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We faced  so many behavioural and relationship challenges as a family. Sometimes it felt that there were no way out, and we wanted to give up, but Pei-I had shown us how our family can work as a team, and now as parents we have better relationship with each other and as a family. We can see how this affect our  teenage children positively too. 


WHAT Families SAY

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