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Family Breakthrough - the 1st step to help your family heal

Imagine if you could have someone listen to you about your teenage children, parenting or relationship challenges you are facing at home and be able to tell you straight away why they are happening and how to fix them to make things better?

I am here to listen to you and tell you exactly what you need to do to breakthrough the stuckness. 


If you are feeling sad and powerless to stop the challenges you are facing at home with your teenager, or if you are not connecting as much as you’d like as a family, this is for you.


Once you sign up for your Family Breakthrough, here’s what will happen.


  • You will be asked to complete a "Your Unique Family Blueprint” form to fill in so I can get the full picture of what you want help with for your family.


  • Once I receive and go over your information, I will record and send you a video of me talking through everything you need to know to make the breakthrough for your family.


  • You will also receive proven and tailor-made strategies on how to tackle the specific challenges at home and focus on strategies that work. I will also share tips on how you can continue to navigate the challenges, celebrate the success and build a stronger, more connected family beyond this video. Picture me as a supper nanny (only better) stopping over for a short visit and helping you with your family!


Your personal and custom video will be sent to you within 2 business days, so you can start implementing the advice and strategies I offer you.

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