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How to STOP troubled teenager behaviour and heal your family for good without years of therapy,blame games and never ending cycles of pain and hurt

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You have worked so hard to achieve all the success you have in your life. You are well respected by your colleagues in the outside world. YET when you get home, your teenager swears at you, lies to you, shuts themselves in their bedroom and cuts off all the communication with you. This Masterclass is for you if you are experiencing the following challenges with your teenagers at home: -Teenagers who are acting out or showing concerning behaviour ( aggression, self harming, low mood, misbehaving in the community, using drug/alcohol, running away from home, school refusal, school related difficulties,verbal abuse towards you, traunting...etc) -Your teenager is not listening to you, and the family is constantly fighting. ​​-There are many sleepless nights because you are constantly feeling stressed about your family. ​​-You are feeling lost about your teenager as no matter what you have tried, nothing is working. ​-There is little joy in your family life - having a dinner together is a struggle, your teenage children often lock themselves in their room playing games or scrolling on social media, giving you one word answer when you try to speak to them. ​​-Perhaps Your marriage/relationship is strained because you can’t agree on what to do because you are blaming each other for the challenges you are facing at home. ​​-Perhaps you feel that you've failed as a parent". ​-If you resonate with 1-2 things on the list, the Masterclass is for you. No matter where your journey is, and how long you have been in this position, there's a WAY OUT.You will learn about the commonly made mistakes so that you can avoid them, and learn new ways to manage troubled teenage behaviour that's truly empowering and can make a difference in your family. In this Masterclass, you will learn 1.4 Steps How to get your TEENAGER to change 2. How to create a home environment where everyone feels peaceful, connected and at ease. 3. Science backed way to behaviour change

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