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Using Simple, Strengths-focused and Scientific Method to help your family and teenage children thive
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How to STOP teenager TROUBLED BEHAVIOUR for good and heal your family, without years of therapy, blame games and never ending cycles of pain and hurt?

Welcome to Rainbow Parenting Practice where we provide exceptional therapeutic parenting coaching and consultancy service to families who are struggling with troubled teenager behaviour. 

You have worked so hard to achieve everything you have got in your life so that you can show your children what they can do to achieve a successful life. Yet you find yourself feeling disheartened seeing your teenage children so demotivated and de-interested in their life.


You have invested everytihing trying to STOP your teenager's troubled behaviour at home but nothing works. It's very likely that you are stuck in a "Disconnected Family Cycle", which will look like this:


  • You are always arguging with your teenagers and/or family members becasue you don't know how to manage your teenager's behaviour, including school refusal, verbal abuse, physical aggression/violence, troubled behaviour in school, traunting, sneaking out the house, not adhering to your curfew, self harming, anti-social behaviour, experiementing with drug and alcohol...etc.

  • You teenage children don't get along and they fight constantly. 

  • Your teenager is shouting screaming at you and has angry outburst that's out of control sometimes. 

  • Your teenager is feeling demotivatd and losing interest in their life which leaves you worried.

  • Your family is struggling to enjoy time together and holiday is always stressful. 

  • You are losing sleep at night and you can't focus at work.

You're not alone. We understand the unique challenges of parenting teens and have the solutions you need.

Imagine the joy of a happier, more connected family in 90 days where everyone in your family will feel comfortable and at ease in each other's company. 


You can have all this through our proven Family First -Thriving Together Parenting Method that delivers rapid and lasting results for your family.


Hear what other parents have achieved:

  • Pei-I's coaching pinpointed our unique styles and goals, leading to realistic strategies and ongoing support that transformed our family life within weeks.

  • After countless solutions failed, Pei-I's approach made a real difference. Our family is finally back on track.


At Rainbow, every parent, everry family receives extraordinary guidance in an inspiring and collaborative way to set your family up for success

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In this interview on GB NEWS, I shared my views on how teens' needs are evovled and we need to consider the influences from their systems on them.

What Clients Say

I was really struggling to be honest! I was such a confident parent when they were both primary-age children. I really thought I was a good Mum and my kids were (almost) perfect. We had it all cracked. Or so I thought! When my eldest went to secondary school everything changed. Some things happened and I lost all of my confidence. I made mistakes and didn't know how to get back on track.


BUT after just a couple of sessions with Pei-I, I’m feeling soooo much better. I feel like I can see the path back to that confident happy place again. I’m really positive about the future instead of worrying all of the time. For me, the best thing has been the clear strategies you’ve provided.

And I can see the strategies you’ve given me are working already!! After just a couple of weeks things have improved massively. I’m so happy I found you and so excited for the future!! This is exactly what we needed. I know we will all be less stressed and happier because of the work we’ve been doing together Pei-I - we already are (but I’m not letting you go anywhere just yet ).


Anyone who is thinking of working with you should absolutely DO IT. You’re extremely knowledgeable in this area and definitely a talented coach. I feel like to always listen but equally have a lot of amazing insights to share. I love that in a coach.

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